Snapchat releases Memories on Mobile
A look at the trends in advertising through 2016 and a look at what may become the focus of 2017 in online marketing.
Ambush Marketing: A Common Guerrilla Marketing Tactic
Should your brand consider guerilla tactics for your next campaign? A type of ambush advertising could work to your advantage.
How your name changes your advertising opportunities.
Advertising for your business can be easy if you pick an appropriate name that works well for adwords, SEO, social media advertising, and digital campaigns.
Did Instagram just acknowledge that SnapChat is a concern?
A Simple Simple Short Shot Did Instagram just acknowledge that SnapChat is a concern? Or did they just slow the growth of the millennial user’s favourite social media platform? Yesterday, Instagram announced that they copied Snapchat and released a ‘story’ function on their popular photo sharing social network. A user can now assemble small clips and photos throughout the […]
Snapchat gets onboard with social media marketers
Snapchat opens up advertising to the masses with a third party API and new Between Stories advertising opportunities for smaller brands.
Live Streaming on social media: Suicide is just the start
Periscope allows everyone to become a broadcast hub, and there are very few, if any guards in place to handle these tragic situations.
Google’s Tilt Brush is a nice view of the future for content creators and web developers.
Tilt Brush is a Virtual Reality product that illustrates what a game changer VR will be for artists, advertisers, and gamers.
Clothing is going to get expensive and hard to clean. How wearables and advertising will collide.
A Simple Simple Short Shot Clothing is going to get expensive and hard to clean. How wearables and advertising will collide. Last week the fashion world went gaga for the dress co-designed by IBM’s Watson. The supercomputer’s addition to the gown seems to have been the include LEDs — I’m probably simplifying Watson’s role out […]
Why Facebook always wins for marketing agencies
Facebook is a giant within the social media world, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way for some time.
Advertising Agency of Return
Should your brand consider guerilla tactics for your next campaign? A type of ambush advertising could work to your advantage.