Oil & Gas Marketing and Advertising in Calgary
Palantir is Calgary’s premier software provider for the oil and gas sector, with technology that’s used around the world to improve the planning efficiency of the world’s largest companies.
- Brand strategy and design
- Campaign direction and design
- Online ad buys
- Information design

We worked with ownership and marketing in Canada and the UK, to help refine brand and product identity. We guided corporate audits as well as online and offline strategy in the oil and gas industry.

Some of the coolest work we did for Palantir was behind the scenes with projects that integrated with their sales tools, creating a heightened awareness of users who were interested in or currently using their products. The notification application mapped sales leads geographically, a person’s site usage habits, and real world commuting patterns in an effort to automate natural talking points that the sales reps could use in their day-to-day conversations with potential or existing customers.